Guatemala 2018 Mission Report


Dear Mission Partner,


Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus! I just returned from a successful mission to Guatemala; this was my 13th mission to Chiquimula! Time flies when you are on mission for Jesus and I love it!! The tangible results of this mission were obvious: approximately 1,200 patients were treated, several hundred teeth pulled, 41 decisions for Christ! EVERY patient heard a clear presentation of the gospel in a language they understand and so we leave the results to the power of the Holy Spirit. Most patients had common ailments that were easily remedied with the proper medications. However, several patients were in danger of a catastrophic health emergency, even death, because of high blood pressure or elevated sugar levels. Because of the expertise of the doctors these crises were avoided. I tell the patients that their visit to the doctors or dentist is FREE. All the medicines and treatments are FREE because they are generously provided by people in the USA who love them! God’s love is free and so is our love. That is why we do what we do…the abundant, John 3:16 love of Jesus! Praise the Lord!


PRAY that extended days of health will result in a productive life and an open heart for the gospel. PRAY that those who responded to the gospel will come to a full and mature understanding of the gospel message through the ministry of a local church. PRAY that those who received the gospel will pass it on to others!

Our next mission encounter is April 8-May 2. We will return to South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Botswana to serve in corporation with great partners in the gospel. PRAY as I make final logistical and spiritual preparations for the mission. PRAY as I rest and make final preparations for the conferences; prepare mentally & emotionally for the long mission and make sure all my responsibilities at home are covered before I depart. PRAY and consider a $financial gift$ to LBL. Your gift will assist in the ministry of the mission. There will be a lot of ministry expenses for this mission including: medical clinics (medicines), leadership conferences, children ministries and support of struggling churches and pastors. Debby and I dearly appreciate your partnership and deeply depend on your PRAYERS and gifts that enable LBL to be obedient to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and make an impact around the world.

On Mission,